[Tex/LaTex] Modifying nodes in a flowchart with psmatrix environment


I'm trying to draw some flowcharts with the psmatrix environment and I must show my input and output in a parallelogram box .
I do not have a problem with the nodes while having the parallelogram in my flowchart but whenever I try to draw a horizontal node I encounter the problem with the below figure where a part of the node is inside of the parallelogram
image showing problem


% ‎================================‎
% ‎Source‎: ‎http://tug.org/pipermail/pstricks/2009/006766.html‎

    ‎\advance\pst@dima by \psframesep‎
    ‎\pst@dimc=\wd\pst@hbox\advance\pst@dimc by \pst@dima‎
    ‎\pst@dimb=\dp\pst@hbox\advance\pst@dimb by \pst@dima‎
    ‎\pst@dimd=\ht\pst@hbox\advance\pst@dimd by \pst@dima‎
            ‎\pst@number\pst@dima neg‎
            ‎\pst@number\pst@dimb neg‎
            ‎\pst@number\pst@dimd‎ .‎5‎

% ‎From the Frame and Rect PostScript macros‎
/‎ParallelogramA‎ {
‎x1 pgs sub y1 moveto‎
‎x1 y2 lineto‎
‎x2 pgs add y2 lineto‎
‎x2 y1 lineto‎
‎x1 pgs sub y1 lineto‎
‎closepath} def‎
/‎pgs ED‎
‎CLW mul‎
/‎a ED‎
‎3‎ -‎1 roll‎
‎2 copy gt { exch } if‎
‎a sub‎
/‎y2 ED‎
‎a add‎
/‎y1 ED‎
‎2 copy gt { exch } if‎
‎a sub‎
/‎x2 ED‎
‎a add‎
/‎x1 ED‎
‎1 index 0 eq {pop pop ParallelogramA } { OvalFrame } ifelse}>‎


% ‎================================‎

  ‎\begin{psmatrix}[rowsep=0.7,colsep=0.7]% defines the distance between two frames‎ 
   ‎\psovalbox[fillstyle=solid‎, ‎fillcolor=yellow!30,shadow=true]{Start} \\‎
        ‎\psparallelogrambox[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue!20,shadow=true]{Input r} \\‎
    ‎\psdiabox[fillstyle=solid‎, ‎fillcolor=magenta!20,shadow=true]{$ r > 0 $} &‎
          ‎\psparallelogrambox[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue!20,shadow=true]{Print m‎ , ‎d‎ , ‎s} \\‎ 
       ‎\psframebox[shadow=true]{$ d=2*r  $}  &‎ 
            ‎\psovalbox[fillstyle=solid‎, ‎fillcolor=yellow!30,shadow=true]{End}\\‎
       ‎\psframebox[shadow=true]{$ m=2*\pi*r $}  \\‎
       ‎\psframebox[shadow=true]{$ s = \pi*r*r    $}  \\‎
          ‎\psparallelogrambox[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue!20‎, ‎shadow=true]{Print Sum} \\‎ 
       % ‎Links‎

So what should I do in order to have the right nodes ?

Best Answer

use the package pstricks-add (v. 3.57) from http://texnik.dante.de/tex/generic/pstricks-add/

It knows the command \psparallelogrambox with a better code. Your example then can be:


   \psovalbox[fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=yellow!30,shadow=true]{Start} \\
   \psparallelogrambox[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue!20,shadow]{Input r} \\
   \psdiabox[fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=magenta!20,shadow=true]{$ r > 0 $} &
     \psparallelogrambox[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue!20,shadow=true]{Print m, d, s} \\
       \psframebox[shadow=true]{$ d=2*r $}  & 
            \psovalbox[fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=yellow!30,shadow=true]{End}\\
       \psframebox[shadow=true]{$ m=2*\pi*r $}  \\
       \psframebox[shadow=true]{$ s=\pi*r*r $}  \\
    \psparallelogrambox[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue!20, shadow=true]{Print Sum} 

enter image description here

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