TikZ Labeled Intervals – Drawing Patterns with TikZ


I am trying to draw a diagram using TikZ in which I can specify particular elements within the interval that satisfy a certain condition. This example seems to be the "closest" to what I intend to draw. I tried to modify it, however, due to my limited skills in TikZ, I wasn't able to specify the pattern of labeling, and to draw the interval end braces properly. Any suggestions or hints shall be appreciated.

Intervals Diagram

Best Answer

Here's a try.

Update: Changing the value of \bound will change the maximum number of points on each side of N. Changing the value of the x key will change the distance between adjacent points. (Thanks to @Jubobs for fueling this change)



\newcommand\bound{10} % bound number of points on each side of N
  \foreach \mypt in {0,#2,...,\bound}{
  \draw(-\bound-5,0)--(\bound+5,0) node[pos=0,left]{$\mathbb Z$};

  \labelnum{1}{All integers are labeled}
  \labelnum[yshift=-2cm]{2}{Even numbers are labeled}
  \labelnum[yshift=-4cm]{5}{Multiples of 5 are labeled}
  \labelnum[yshift=-6cm]{3}{Multiples of 3 are labeled}


enter image description here