[Tex/LaTex] Drawing circular diagram with arrows


How can draw a circular diagram with arrows in LaTeX (cf. Figure)?

enter image description here

Best Answer

The three arcs can be drawn initially as a circle, then the labels can be drawn on top with white background. The decorations library can be used to place all kinds of marks on a path like arrows. Unfortunately it is slightly verbose.

\usetikzlibrary{calc, arrows, decorations.markings}

\begin{tikzpicture}[decoration = {markings,
    mark = between positions 0.1 and 1 step 0.3333 with {\arrow[>=stealth]{<}}
  \draw[postaction = decorate] (0, 0) circle [radius = 1cm];
  \path (90 :1cm) node[fill=white]{$\hat{x}$}
        (330:1cm) node[fill=white]{$\hat{y}$}
        (210:1cm) node[fill=white]{$\hat{z}$};


enter image description here

Another option is this:

\begin{tikzpicture}[decoration = {markings,
    mark = at position 0.5 with {\arrow[>=stealth]{>}}
  \path (90 :1cm) node (x) {$\hat{x}$}
        (330:1cm) node (y) {$\hat{y}$}
        (210:1cm) node (z) {$\hat{z}$};
  \draw[postaction = decorate] (x) to[bend left=45] (y);
  \draw[postaction = decorate] (y) to[bend left=45] (z);
  \draw[postaction = decorate] (z) to[bend left=45] (x);

with a similar output:

enter image description here