[Tex/LaTex] Drawing and labeling the sides and angles of a right triangle


The following code instructs TikZ to draw a right triangle AQP with a right angle at Q. I mark the length of line segment AQ by y. How do I rotate by 90 degrees the letter y so that it is upright? I would like to draw a line segment perpendicular to PA from A to the line containing the leg PQ, and I would like to label that point of intersection R.



\begin{tikzpicture}[dot/.style={fill,circle,inner sep=1.5pt}]
  (80:5) node [dot,label=above left:$A$]{} coordinate (A)
  (80:7) coordinate (a)
  (20:9) coordinate (B)
  (20:11) coordinate (b)
  (0:0) node[dot,label=below left:$P$]{} coordinate(P)
  (-100:1)coordinate (e)
  (-160:1) coordinate (f);

\path coordinate (Q)at($(P)!(A)!(B)$) node at (Q)[dot,label=below:$Q$]{} ;
 \draw[<->]  (a)--(e);
\draw[<->, name path=kline] (f)--(b) node[below right]{$k$}; % First line for intersection

\draw[purple!70!black,dashed] (A)--(Q);

\draw ($(P)!3mm!90:(A)$)--($(A)!3mm!-90:(P)$)coordinate(u); % Note here the invisible point u, where uA is normal to pA at point A
\draw[|<->|] ($(P)!-7mm!90:(Q)$)--node[fill=white,sloped] {$x$} ($(Q)!-7mm!-90:(P)$);
\draw[|<->|] ($(Q)!-3mm!90:(A)$)--node[fill=white] {$y$} ($(A)!-3mm!-90:(Q)$);


\path [name path=ARline] (u)--($(A)!-10cm!(u)$); % Second line for intersection
\path [name intersections={of = ARline and kline, by=R}];
\draw (A)--(R)node[dot,label=below:$R$]{};


Best Answer

Your code produces errors; I tried to polish it by guessing what you were trying to do:

enter image description here

The code:



\begin{tikzpicture}[dot/.style={fill,circle,inner sep=1.5pt}]
  (80:5) node [dot,label=above left:$A$]{} coordinate (A)
  (80:7) coordinate (a)
  (20:9) node [dot,label=below:$B$]{} coordinate (B)
  (20:11) coordinate (b)
  (0:0) node[dot,label=below left:$P$]{} coordinate(P)
  (-100:1)coordinate (e)
  (-160:1) coordinate (f);

\node[dot,label=below:$Q$] (Q) at ($(P)!(A)!(B)$) {};
\node[dot,label=above right:$R$] (R) at ($(P)!(Q)!(A)$) {};

\draw[<->]  (a) -- (e);
\draw[<->]  (b) -- (f);

\draw[purple!70!black,dashed] (A) -- (Q);
\draw[green!70!black,dashed] (Q) -- (R);

\draw[|<->|] ($(P)!3mm!90:(A)$)--node[fill=white,sloped] {$r$} ($(A)!3mm!-90:(P)$);
\draw[|<->|] ($(P)!-7mm!90:(Q)$)--node[fill=white,sloped] {$x$} ($(Q)!-7mm!-90:(P)$);
\draw[|<->|] ($(Q)!-3mm!90:(A)$)--node[fill=white] {$y$} ($(A)!-3mm!-90:(Q)$);

