[Tex/LaTex] Drawing an array of nodes using the foreach-construct


I sometimes need to visualize an array-like structure with tikz. I use nodes for array elements and position the next node right of the previous one, i.e., like this:

 \node[draw,rectangle] (n0) {element 1};
 \node[draw,rectangle] (n1) [right of=n0] {element 2};
 \node[draw,rectangle] (n2) [right of=n1] {element 3};
 % many more nodes

In other words: I always position the next node right of the previous node. I want to simplify that code, e.g., by using a loop, and ideally would like to have something like this:

\foreach \id in {1,...,9}
        \draw let \p0 = {\id-1} in node[draw,rectangle] (n\id) {element \id};

There is two issues with this:

  • The clause {\id-1} is not "evaluated", but taken as a string, i.e., "1-1", "2-1", etc. How could I do that? Or, if that is not possible or convenient, can I somehow specify right of = latest defined id?

  • The first element is special in the sense that it is not relative to any other node. Special cases are always tedious, so I'm wondering if there is a way to define right of = none? It'd be nice to draw all nodes with the loop and not having to treat the first element as a special case.

Best Answer

Another version of evaluate uses remember.


figure 1




\node[draw, rectangle] (n0) {0};
\foreach \x [remember=\x as \lastx (initially 0)] in {1,...,4}{
    \node [draw, rectangle, right =of n\lastx] (n\x) {\x};
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