[Tex/LaTex] Drawing a sideways parabolic curve in tikz


I am able to draw parabolic curves in tikz by using \draw and parabola bend

        \draw (-3,4) parabola bend (0,-.5) (3,4);

However I would like to draw this parabola mirrored over the line y=x. I attempted to input what seemed like sensible points:

        \draw (4,-3) parabola bend (-.5,0) (4,3);

However this creates a broken curve and it is quite clear that tikz is not intended to take input in this way. Is there someway I could get a sideways parabolic curve using \draw in a similar fashion to how I obtained the first curve?

Best Answer

The parabola path command makes only parabolas of the kind y=a*x+b, still you're free to rotate, scale, slant it or whatever. So you want to mirrow it, the question remains: Can we mirror a part in tikz? Oh yes we can:

enter image description here



% Code from user Qrrbrbirlbel (https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/142491/81905)
\def\pgftransformxmirror#1{\pgfmathparse{2*(#1)}\pgftransformcm{-1}{0}{0}{1}{\pgfqpoint{+\pgfmathresult pt}{+0pt}}}
\def\pgftransformymirror#1{\pgfmathparse{2*(#1)}\pgftransformcm{1}{0}{0}{-1}{\pgfqpoint{+0pt}{+\pgfmathresult pt}}}
    \pgftransformymirror{\tikz@temp pt}%
    \pgftransformxmirror{\tikz@temp pt}%
%End of code from Qrrbrbirlbel

\draw (-3,4) parabola bend (0,-.5) (3,4);
\draw[thick, <->] (-3,0) -- (3,0);
\draw[thick, <->] (0,-3) -- (0,4);
\coordinate (1) at (-3,-3);
\coordinate (2) at (3,3);
\draw[dashed,very thin] (1)--(2);
\draw[mirror=(1)--(2),red] (-3,4) parabola bend (0,-.5) (3,4);