[Tex/LaTex] drawing a matrix with its minors


I want to create something like this:

a busy cat

This should be a matrix and I want to consider its minors which are drawn by __|. I want to draw also a line from one minor to a place outside of the matrix to explain something ('text').

After a short internet search I've tried some stuff and got a very ugly matrix:

\rule[-.5ex]{1em}{0.4pt}|\rule[-.5ex]{1em}{0.pt}| \rule[-.5ex]{1.em{0.0pt}|  \rule[-.5ex]{1.em}{0.0pt}| \\
\rule[-.5ex]{2.3em}{0.4pt}| \rule[-.5ex]{1.em}{0.0pt}| \rule[-.5ex]{1.em}{0.0pt}|  \\
\rule[-.5ex]{3.6em}{0.4pt}| \rule[-.5ex]{1.em}{0.0pt}| \\

How can you do it better (tikz?) and how do you get those lines from a minor to a place outside the matrix?

Best Answer

One option using a matrix of math nodes (change the settings, colorts, according to your needs):



  matrix of math nodes,
  nodes in empty cells,
  left delimiter=(,
  right delimiter=),
  nodes={text height=8pt,text depth=2pt,text width=10pt}
] (mat)
& & &  \\
& & &  \\
& & &  \\
& & &  \\
\foreach \Valor in {1,...,4}
  \draw (mat-\Valor-1.south west) -| (mat-1-\Valor.north east);
    node[anchor=west] {some text}
    node[anchor=west] {some text}
    node[anchor=west] {some text}
    node[anchor=west] {some text}


enter image description here

One can even simplify to just one \foreach loop:



  matrix of math nodes,
  nodes in empty cells,
  left delimiter=(,
  right delimiter=),
  nodes={text height=8pt,text depth=2pt,text width=10pt}
] (mat)
& & &  \\
& & &  \\
& & &  \\
& & &  \\
\foreach \Valor/\Texto in 
  1/{Some text 1},
  2/{Some text 2},
  3/{Some text 3},
  4/{Some text 4}
\draw (mat-\Valor-1.south west) -| (mat-1-\Valor.north east);
    node[anchor=west] {\Texto}


enter image description here

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