[Tex/LaTex] Matrix multiplication with Tikz


Using the code from this answer and tedious edits with Adobe Illustrator I managed to produce the following figure

I'd be interested to see if someone can come up with Tikz code that does the same thing.

Best Answer

Just for fun, an option using matrix,positioning, and fit libraries, to get aligned shapes.


enter image description here



        %Global config
        line width=1pt,
            left delimiter={(},
            right delimiter={)}
            matrix of nodes,
            text height=7pt,
            text depth=1pt,
            text width=15pt,
            column sep=8pt,
            row sep=7pt,
            nodes in empty cells,

    \matrix[Matrix] at (0,0) (M1){ % Matrix contents 
        7.2 & & & & 3.2 \\
        3.5 & & & & -7.4 \\
        \vdots & $\cdots$ &  & $\cdots$ & \vdots \\
        -1.1 & & & & 4.1 \\
        14 & & & & 19 \\

    \matrix[Matrix,below=0.5 of M1] (M2){ % Matrix contents 
        0 & &1 & & 0 \\ 
        1 & & 0 & & 0 \\ 
        0 & & 2 & & 0 \\ 
        \vdots & $\cdots$ & \vdots & $\cdots$ & \vdots \\ 
        2 & & 0 & & 2 \\ 
        0 & & 0 & & 1 \\ 
        0 & & 0 & & 1 \\ 

    \matrix[Matrix,left=1 of M2] (M3){ % Matrix contents 
        & &\\
        & &\\
        & &\\
        \vdots &  & \vdots \\
        & &\\
        & &\\
        & &\\

    %Put labels in center of some nodes:
    \draw (M1-3-3.center) node[scale=3,transform shape]{H};
    \draw (M3-4-2.center) node[scale=3,transform shape]{W};

    %Hightlight elements 
    \node[draw,inner sep=0,fit=(M1-1-1)(M1-5-1)](HL1-M1){};
    \node[draw,inner sep=0,fit=(M1-1-5)(M1-5-5)](HL2-M1){};
    \node[draw,inner sep=0,fit=(M2-1-1)(M2-7-1)](HL1-M2){};
    \node[draw,inner sep=0,fit=(M2-1-3)(M2-7-3)](HL2-M2){};
    \node[draw,inner sep=0,fit=(M2-1-5)(M2-7-5)](HL3-M2){};
    \node[draw,inner sep=0,fit=(M3-1-1)(M3-7-1)](HL1-M3){};
    \node[draw,inner sep=0,fit=(M3-1-3)(M3-7-3)](HL2-M3){};

    \node[Parenth,inner sep=0,fit=(M1)](BM1){};
    \node[Parenth,inner sep=0,fit=(M2)](BM2){};
    \node[Parenth,inner sep=0,fit=(M3)](BM3){};

    % Drawing the arrows.
    (HL1-M1.north west)++(0,0.3) coordinate (temp) 
        -- (temp -| HL2-M1.east)
        node [midway,anchor=south]{$| \text{docs} |$};
    (HL1-M3.north west)++(0,0.3) coordinate (temp) 
        -- (temp -| HL2-M3.east)
        node [midway,anchor=south]{$k$};
    (HL1-M2.south west)++(0,-0.3) coordinate (temp) 
        -- (temp -| HL3-M2.east)
        node [midway,anchor=north]{$| \text{docs} |$};
    (HL1-M1.north west)++(-0.7,0) coordinate (temp) 
        -- (temp |- HL1-M1.south)
        node [midway,anchor=east]{$k$};
    (HL3-M2.north east)++(0.7,0) coordinate (temp) 
        -- (temp |- HL3-M2.south)
        node [midway,anchor=west]{$| \text{V} |$};
    (HL1-M3.north west)++(-0.7,0) coordinate (temp) 
        -- (temp |- HL1-M3.south)
        node [midway,anchor=east]{$| \text{V} |$};
