[Tex/LaTex] Draw and write text along a spiral with tikz


I am trying to make a spiral with text near the line just like

enter image description here

I have tried



\draw [thick,->] (10, 0) -- (-10, 0) node [left] {Review};
\draw [thick,->] (0, -10) -- (0, 10) node [above] {Cumulative costs};
\draw [domain=0:-33, variable=\t, smooth, samples=75, ->] plot ({\t r}: {0.008*\t*\t});


which produces the annotated axes and a spiral but I don't know how to write text along the spiral.

Best Answer

I can see two possibilities

In the first solution, I create another plot and place nodes on the curve using decorations.markings library. The library provides two ways to specify position: either measuring by length or by a factor of total length.



    \draw[thick,arrows={->[length=10]}](8,0)--(-8,0)node [left] {Review};
    \draw[thick,arrows={->[length=10]}](0,-8)--(0,8)node [above] {Cumulative costs};
        plot({(-\t+1.5708) r}:{\t/3+2*\t/(0.1+\t)});
                mark=at position 2cm with \node{2cm};,
                mark=at position .3 with \node{pos=.3};,
        plot({(-\t-1.5708) r}:{\t/3+2});

Another way is to create a new style which moves nodes to where we want by the parameterization we define.

        declare function={
        pos par/.style={
    \draw[thick,arrows={->[length=10]}](0,-8)--(0,8)node[above]{Cumulative costs};
    \path node[pos par=0]{pos par=0}
          node[pos par=1]{pos par=1}
          node[pos par=2]{pos par=2}
          node[pos par=3]{pos par=3}
          node[pos par=4]{pos par=4}
          node[pos par=5]{pos par=5}
          node[pos par=6]{pos par=6}
          node[pos par=7]{pos par=7}
          node[pos par=8]{pos par=8};


By the way, \t/(1+\t) (as well as its linear transformations) is a function that "climbs" to 1 and stays there. I add this function in order to embellish the archimedean spiral so that there would be enough room for the first label.