[Tex/LaTex] \dot{\vec{\hat{x}}}} fails to compile with svjour3


The title says it all. I would like to typeset the time-derivative of a vector whose symbol shall be \hat{x}. The documentclass svjour3 is used in Springer journals. The following MWE reproduces the behaviour in the article class:



    \dot{\vec{\hat{x}}}  % Failure
    \vec{\dot{\hat{x}}}  % OK
    \dot{\hat{\vec{x}}}  % OK

Pdflatex output contains

! Undefined control sequence.
\macc@adjust ->\dimen@ \macc@kerna 
                                   \advance \dimen@ \macc@kernb \kern -\dimen@ 

How can I typeset such a vector in the svjour3 class?

Best Answer

The svjour3 class uses a wrong way for redefining \vec.

Just load the class and do


Full example


\let\vec\mathbf % fix svjour3 wrong definition




enter image description here

If you prefer bold italic vectors, add \usepackage{bm} and do

