Defining a new \Vec command to use with the esvect package


The esvect package uses the command \vv{v} to write an arrowhead above the letter in its argument (i.e., a vector), and the command \vv*{v}{n} to write a vector v with a subscript n. I would like to define a function \Vec so that \Vec{v} gives me \vv*{v}{}, while \Vec{v}_n gives \vv*{v}{n}.

In effect, I would like to use the esvect package in the same way as I would use the ordinary \vec command. Is this possible?

Best Answer

You can use the e (embellishment) argument specifier for \NewDocumentCommand:




With the standard \verb|\vv|

With the new \verb|\Vec|


enter image description here

Even better, you can avoid the small hole that's left by \vv*:




\Vec{v}+\Vec{v}_n \\
\Vec{x}+\Vec{x}_n \\
\Vec{p}+\Vec{p}_n \\
\Vec{y}+\Vec{y}_n \\


Note that you need \RenewDocumentCommand{\Vec} if amsmath is loaded (with amsmath, \Vec is an alias for \vec).

enter image description here