[Tex/LaTex] Don’t create section for bibliography


I am writing a document which uses chapters (\chapter{...}) instead of sections and would like to create one chapter for my references. But when I am using these commands:


to generate my references, it automatically creates a section "Bibliography" which is not consistent with the document. So I would like to just generate the references without any section and than use the \chapter{...} command for sectioning.

Does anyone know how to stop the \bibliography* commands from creating this section?

My document uses a custom class which was provided by my university:

\ProvidesClass{uva-bachelor-thesis}[2005/06/10 Version]




    % A fake element on the page (else texpos absolute option doesn't work)

        \noindent\large\scshape Bachelor \\[2ex]
        %\Large University

        \sffamily\Huge \@title

        \sffamily\Large \@author\\[3pc]

        \item[\sffamily Supervisor:] \@supervisors
        \item[\sffamily Signed:] \@signedby



%   \cleardoublepage

Here is my main file to reproduce the problem:

\documentclass[oneside, openright]{uva-inf-bachelor-thesis}




\bibliography{ref.bib} % The file containing the bibliography



Best Answer

Is this, what is wanted? A numbered chapter heading for bibliography? Then use \usepackage[numbib]{tocbibind}.

\documentclass[oneside, openright]{uva-inf-bachelor-thesis}





\bibliography{biblio} % The file containing the bibliography


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