[Tex/LaTex] Don’t indent the bibliography


How can I prevent the items in the bibliography from being automatically moved approximatively 1 cm to the right?

If I use \bibitem[label]{...} they are nicely aligned with the rest of the text, but if I just use \bibitem{...}, so that they get automatically numbered (which is what I want) they are moved to the right, like I explained above.


enter image description here

I want the automatic numbering of the first lines, but the indentation behavior of the last.

The Code that creates the above output:

% Created with LyX
 breaklinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 1},backref=false,colorlinks=false]

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
\usepackage{enumitem}       % customizable list environments
\newlength{\lyxlabelwidth}      % auxiliary length 


\bibitem{key-1} these lines are what happens when I only use                 \textbackslash{}bibitem\{....\}

\bibitem{key-2} these lines are what happens when I only use                 \textbackslash{}bibitem\{....\}

\bibitem[bla]{key-3} these lines are what happens when I use                 \textbackslash{}bibitem{[}bla{]}\{....\}

\bibitem[blabla]{key-4} these lines are what happens when I use                 \textbackslash{}bibitem{[}blabla{]}\{....                    \}\end{thebibliography}


Best Answer

The argument of the bibliography environment is not the title of the bibliography section (as you seem to think from your code) but a string that represents the largest label in your list. Typically this will be 9 if you have < 10 references and 99 if you have less than 100 references but more than 9.

\bibitem{key-1} these lines are what happens when I only use \textbackslash{}bibitem\{....\}

\bibitem{key-2} these lines are what happens when I only use \textbackslash{}bibitem\{....\}

\bibitem[bla]{key-3} these lines are what happens when I use \textbackslash{}bibitem{[}bla{]}\{....\}

\bibitem[blabla]{key-4} these lines are what happens when I use  \textbackslash{}bibitem{[}blabla{]}\{.... \}


output of code

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