[Tex/LaTex] direct way to scale down the font size on the authors of a tikzposter only


I have looked at the documentation, but did not see an option to set the font size of the authors list without modifying the font size of anything else in the title block.

Is there a way to do this?

Best Answer

Here are 3 ways:

1) scale to a given letter height, using \scaleto from the scalerel package.

\title{\parbox{\linewidth}{\centering This is a really  really  really  really  really  really  really  really  really  long title for a poster}}
\institute{The Institute}
\author{\scaleto{$\vphantom{Xj}The Author$}{20pt}}




2) use LaTeX font size change, such as \tiny


\title{\parbox{\linewidth}{\centering This is a really  really  really  really  really  really  really  really  really  long title for a poster}}
\institute{The Institute}
\author{\tiny The Author}




3) Scale the author block by a given ratio, using \scalebox


\title{\parbox{\linewidth}{\centering This is a really  really  really  really  really  really  really  really  really  long title for a poster}}
\institute{The Institute}
\author{\scalebox{.2}{The Author}}


