Tikz block title position varies depending on text size


tikzposter block titles (and consequently blocks) vary quite a bit in positioning and height based on the size of the title text. I would like for blocks to be horizontally aligned without needing to ensure the text in each has similar height. For example, if I have two blocks, one with a descender and one without:

\documentclass[25pt, a0paper, portrait]{tikzposter}

\title{Poster title}



    \block{Block A}{}
    \block{Block g}{}


This results in this kind of slightly offset block, even though the only thing that's different between blocks is one letter in the block title.
enter image description here

I have played around a bit with changing the block style to add text depth to the title, but it doesn't seem to be applied to the title node itself and has no effect.

Best Answer

Text depth is exactly the problem that you have here and one solution would be to manually add an invisible zero sized box through \vphantom{}:

\documentclass[25pt, a0paper, portrait]{tikzposter}

\title{Poster title}



    \block{Block A\vphantom{g}}{}
    \block{Block g}{}


enter image description here