[Tex/LaTex] Different fontsize for minted and mintinline


I was wondering if it is possible to distinguish between \mintinline and \begin{minted}, to use different font size for both.

Background: I'm placing java code in my document with \begin{minted} and I set the font-size globally with \setminted[java]{fontsize=\footnotesize}. But when I want to show some code parts inline, I need to have a larger font size (for aesthetic reasons 🙂 ) so I have to use \mintinline[fontsize=\small]{java} everytime.
Maybe it is possible to copy the java settings and create something like \mintinline{javainline}, but I did not find information on this.

As requested a sample code:

This is inline code: \mintinline[fontsize=\normalsize]{java}{Do.magic()} \\
And here a code block:
    public class Magic(){
        public void do(){


I want to get rid of writing [fontsize=\normalsize] everytime I use \mintinline.

Best Answer

You can do even better, namely make \mintinline use the current font size.

The package minted allows for \setmintinline, that takes precedence over \setminted for \mintinline; the only trick is to define a macro that chooses the current font size.





{\LARGE This is LARGE inline code: \mintinline{java}{Do.magic()}}


This is inline code: \mintinline{java}{Do.magic()}

And here a code block:
    public class Magic(){
        public void do(){



enter image description here

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