[Tex/LaTex] Dependency diagrams using Tikz


I'm trying to draw a database dependency diagram, similar to the one shown below

(Gaaah! I can't upload images. ASCII art it is then…)

  |      |      |      |      |      |      |
  |      v      |      v      v      v      v
+---+  +---+  +---+  +---+  +---+  +---+  +---+      Lines extend from 1 and 3,
| 1 |  | 2 |  | 3 |  | 4 |  | 5 |  | 6 |  | 7 |      join above 2, and then route
+---+  +---+  +---+  +---+  +---+  +---+  +---+      to all other blocks

I've managed to get the easy bits done, namely drawing the blocks. I assume that I need to create a number of control points that the arrows must move through to 'raise' them above the nodes. What I can't get is to have them drawn nice and square.

Source diagram

Theres also the problem of the junction point above PROJ_NAME (block 2). PROJ_NUM (block 1) and EMP_NUM (block 3) together form a junction, and this junction joins to all the others. My Tikz attempt (although visually very far from what I want) illustrates this (I think?)

Please could someone point me in the right direction? Am I on the right track, is there a way easier method of doing this?

\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex']
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, text centered, rounded corners, 
    minimum height=1.5em,font=\tiny]
\tikzstyle{cntrl} = [node distance=2em, minimum height=0]

    [shorten >=1pt,node distance=0.1em,auto,scale=0.5]        

    \node[block]    (n1)                     {PROJ\_NUM};
    \node[block]    (n2)  [right =of n1]     {PROJ\_NAME};
    \node[block]    (n3)  [right =of n2]     {EMP\_NUM};                                         
    \node[block]    (n4)  [right =of n3]     {EMP\_NAME};
    \node[block]    (n5)  [right =of n4]     {JOB\_CLASS};
    \node[block]    (n6)  [right =of n5]     {CHG\_HOUR};
    \node[block]    (n7)  [right =of n6]     {HOURS};

    \node[cntrl]    (i1)     [above =of n1]                  {};
    \node[cntrl]    (i2)     [above =of n2]                  {};
    \node[cntrl]    (i3)     [above =of n3]                  {};
    \node[cntrl]    (i4)     [above =of n4]                  {};
    \node[cntrl]    (i5)     [above =of n5]                  {};
    \node[cntrl]    (i6)     [above =of n6]                  {};
    \node[cntrl]    (i7)     [above =of n7]                  {};

    \path [line] (n1) .. controls (i1) and (i2) .. (n2);
    \path [line] (n3) .. controls (i3) and (i2) .. (n2);
    \path [line] (i2) .. controls (i2) and (i4) .. (n4);
    \path [line] (i2) .. controls (i2) and (i5) .. (n5);
    \path [line] (i2) .. controls (i2) and (i6) .. (n6);
    \path [line] (i2) .. controls (i2) and (i7) .. (n7);


Links to diagrams that I uploaded. Hopefully the links remain active..

Attempt so far:
Tikz attempt so far

Best Answer

I read about the rectangle split node yesterday, so this was a chance to experiment. The code is far from perfect, but a good starting point:

\usetikzlibrary{shapes.multipart, calc}

\begin{tikzpicture}[my shape/.style={
rectangle split, rectangle split parts=#1, draw, anchor=center}]
\node [my shape=7, rectangle split horizontal,name=dedi, rectangle split part fill={olive!50, blue!70, olive!50, blue!70}]  at (0,0)
\nodepart{two}   PROJ\_NAME
\nodepart{three} EMP\_NUM
\nodepart{four}  EMP\_NAME
\nodepart{five}  JOB\_CLASS
\nodepart{six}   CHG\_HOUR
\nodepart{seven} HOURS};

\draw[latex-latex, very thick, red!70!black] (dedi.two north) -- ++(0,1) -| (dedi.four north);
\draw[latex-latex, very thick, red!70!black] (dedi.five north) -- ++(0,1) -| (dedi.four north);
\draw[latex-latex, very thick, red!70!black] (dedi.six north) -- ++(0,1) -| (dedi.four north);
\draw[latex-latex, very thick, red!70!black] (dedi.seven north) -- ++(0,1) -| (dedi.four north);
\draw[very thick, red!70!black]              (dedi.one north) -- ++(0,0.5) -| (dedi.three north);
\draw[-latex, very thick, red!70!black]      (dedi.one south) -- ++(0,-0.5) node[below right, text width=3cm] {\scriptsize partial dependancy} -| (dedi.two south);
\draw[-latex, very thick, red!70!black]      ($(dedi.five south) + (0.2,0)$) -- ++(0,-0.5) node[below right, text width=2cm] {\scriptsize Transitive dependancy} -| ($(dedi.six south) + (-0.2,0)$);
\draw[-latex, very thick, red!70!black] (dedi.three south) -- ++(0,-2) -| (dedi.four south);
\draw[-latex, very thick, red!70!black] (dedi.three south) -- ++(0,-2) -| (dedi.five south);
\draw[-latex, very thick, red!70!black] (dedi.three south) -- ++(0,-2) -| node[below left] {\scriptsize partial dependancies} (dedi.six south);
\draw[-latex, very thick, red!70!black] (dedi.three south) -- ++(0,-2) -| (dedi.seven south);


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