[Tex/LaTex] Define new language listing with comments ONLY in the beginning of a line


I am trying to create listing for a home-brew language (using \lstdefinelanguage). The problem is that the comments in the language are somewhat ambiguous. For example, the following code is valid:

* This is a comment
a = 4 /* This is a comment as well */
********** This is a comment ********
a = a + 1 /* So is this */
    * And Surprisingly This is a comment
  * And This
*      AND THIS!
a = a * 100500 /* Star here is not a comment! */

So I need to make sure that the '*' is treated as a comment iff in the beginning of the line (might have spaces before), but not in the middle, where it is a multiplication.

What I have so far is the following:

  alsoletter = {\$},
  comment = [l]{*},
  keywords = {
    if, elseif, else, endif,
    open, close,
    print, printf,
    set, reset,
    while, endwhile,
  sensitive = false,
  string = [b]",
  % MORE:
  % morecomment = [l]{**},
  % moredelim = [l]{(}{)},

Is it even possible?

Best Answer

I had to do something similar in one of my packages. Instead of a detailed explanation here, I've left a few comments in my code, for you to follow how I did it.

Note: Because \lst@AddToHook modifies things globally, you will need additional precautions if you intend to have listings using a language other than HOMEBREW in the same document. Let me know.

Edit: Unfortunately, this solution is not perfect. Everything works fine with the sample code you posted, but if you start a block comment on a line that already contains a * and close that block comment on one of the following lines, that block comment won't be highlighted properly.

enter image description here




% --- a couple of switches to keep track of the context ---
% this switch will be set if we have encountered visible character on the current line
% this switch will be set when we're inside a one-line comment

% flip the switch if visible characters occur on the line

% reset switches at the end of each line

% reset switches at the beginning of each listing

% helper macro to handle instances of `*'
  % if we're already inside a comment, we keep applying the comment style
    % Otherwise, we apply the comment style only if no visible characters have
    % been encountered before the `*' on the current line.

  alsoletter = {\$},
  moredelim = *[l][\processlcom@homebrew]{*}, %<--- we handle to-end-of-line comments here
  keywords = {
    if, elseif, else, endif,
    open, close,
    print, printf,
    set, reset,
    while, endwhile,
  sensitive = false,
  string = [b]",
  morecomment = [s]{/*}{*/},
  % moredelim = [l]{(}{)},
  language     = HOMEBREW,
  basicstyle   = \ttfamily,
  commentstyle = \color{ForestGreen},

* This is a comment
a = 4 /* This is a comment as well */
********** This is a comment ********
a = a + 1 /* So is this */
    * And Surprisingly This is a comment
  * And This
*      AND THIS!
a = a * 100500 /* Star here is not a comment! */
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