[Tex/LaTex] Dashbox text positioning


can someone tell me how to fine position the text inside a dashbox. I have the following MWE:




\put(10,0){\dashbox{2.5}(360,100)[tl] {Core-Standards}}



It doesn´t look good I want the text top left but it intersects with the dotted square, I want the text a little bit to the right and down:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can insert a vertical \strut and some horizontal space using (say) \,:

enter image description here

\usepackage{graphicx}% http://ctan.org/pkg/graphicx
  \put(10,0){\dashbox{2.5}(360,100)[tl] {Core-Standards (original)}}
  \put(10,110){\dashbox{2.5}(360,100)[tl] {\strut\,Core-Standards (updated)}}

If you wish to push it down even further, you can increase the strut to the height you want with \rule{0pt}{<height>} where you specify <height>. \strut has a <height> of .7\baselineskip (and is therefore font-dependent).

Horizontal adjustment is possible using \rule{<width>}{0pt}. \, inserts a horizontal space of width \thinskipamount. Using \hspace*{<width>} would also work.