[Tex/LaTex] Customizing List of Figure

table of contentsthesis

I need to format the LoF for my thesis write-up in this format; (LoF title with 14pt font size and list entries in regular 13pt font size) enter image description here
My code is;




% Center ToC heading
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}

\renewcommand{\cftchapleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % for chapters
% Make \chapter leaders bold



% Title Page
\title{MS Thesis}
\date{\today --- \currenttime}




%   \ifx\totalfigures
%   \fi




\chapter{Background Theory and Literature Review}\label{chap_2}

Best Answer

I'm not completely sure what you want (13pt is not a one of the standard sizes, ask a separate question about that) but try this (less any typos):


\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{LIST OF FIGURES} % uppercase title
\renewcommand{\cftloftitlefont}{\large\bfseries} % bold 14pt
\renewcommand{\cftafterloftitle}{\par\protect\mbox{}\protect\hrulefill\par} % horizontal line 
\setlength{\cftfigindent}{0pt} % left aligned fig entries
\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{Fig } % put before the number
\addtolength{\cftfignumwidth}{1.5em} % extra space for \cftpresnum

\chapter{A Chapter}

\centering FIGURE
\caption{A figure}


\caption{Another figure}


Read the manual (> texdoc tocloft) for detailed information.