[Tex/LaTex] Customizing the list of listings generated by \lstlistoflistings

listingstable of contentstocloft

I'm using listings in my document, and its command \lstlistoflistings to generate the list of listings. The problem is that I've customized all the other lists (TOC, LOF and LOT). More precisely, I've changed the color of the page number, removed the leading dots and move the page number to appear right after the entry text (i.e. the page number is no longer right-aligned). Here's a complete example:

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{memoir}


% Define color theme
\newcommand{\titleColor}{\color[rgb]{0.616, 0.0627, 0.176}}
\newcommand{\tocPageColor}{\color[rgb]{0.0980, 0.329, 0.651}}

% Rules

% Customize heading appearance

% Customize "Table of ..." appearance
% Customize headings
\newcommand{\fixCtfHeadingBeforeSpacing}{\vspace*{1ex}} % Needed to make chapter
\newcommand{\fixCtfHeadingAfterSpacing}{\vspace*{0.5ex}} % layout coherent
    \chapterSize\chapterStyle ##1

% No leader dots
% Set page numbers immediately after entry text
% Customize page numbers



\section{new section}

bla bla bla



Now I've figured out how to change the fonts by redefining one of listings's internal commands:

                 {0em} % Indent
                 {\cftfigurenumwidth} % Listing number width
                 {\cftlistingfont#1} % Entry text font
                 {\tocPageStyle#2}% % Page number font

But how do I remove the dots and move the placement of the page number? Also, it appears that the entries in the LOL appears slightly higher up in the document compared to the other lists.

Also note that I'm using memoir, if that's of any use.

Best Answer

You have to register the list of listings to tocloft; I've found this to work

  \globaldefs\@ne \let\c@loldepth\@ne

The last line is just to show that commands of the type \cftlistings... are available for customizing the entries' appearance exactly in the same way as the normal ones.

The "slightly higher up" business depends on the fact that the standard classes issue \addtocontents{lof}{\protect\addvspace{10\p@}} and the same for lot; so we do the same for lol.

You can typeset the list either by \lstlistoflistings or \listoflistings.

FOR memoir

When memoir is used, one has to act in a slight different way

  \globaldefs\@ne \let\c@loldepth\@ne

Now one can customize the appearance of entries in the list of listings with commands of the form \cftlstlisting...; these should typeset the list of listings exactly as the others.


In the case of memoir no vertical adjustment at the beginning of the lists seems to be necessary.


In order to add a separation in the "list of listings" for listings in different chapters, do


or, more simply,
