[Tex/LaTex] Crow’s Foot ERM in nice way


I found this post about how to do Crow's Foot ERM Diagrams with Tikz, but it looks strange because the entity is outside the frame. However, it worked.

Then I found this even nicer version and tried to combine it, but sadly I'm not able to find out why it doesn't work. I'm not able to print two entities side by side and connect them with a crow's foot wire.
They always print over each other…

How can I have both the lines and the style?



            rounded corners,             
            inner sep=2pt,
            every entity/.try,
    entity anchor/.style={matrix anchor=#1},
    every entity/.style={
    every property/.style={
        inner xsep=0.20cm, inner ysep=0.075cm, anchor=west, text width=1.75in
\def\property#1{\node[name=\entityname-#1, every property/.try]{\propertysplit#1;};}
    \foreach \p in {#1}{%

\node[every entity name/.try] (\entityname-name) {\entityname};
\draw (\entityname-name.south west) -- (\entityname-name.south east);
  every entity name/.style={every property/.try, align=center}
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={font=\ttfamily}, node distance=0.5in]
\matrix (m1) [entity=Employee] {
        Password :  varchar(255),        
        Name :  varchar(255),
        LastName :  varchar(255)
\matrix (m2) [entity=Student] {
        Password :  varchar(255),        
        Name :  varchar(255),
        LastName :  varchar(255)
\draw [->] (m1) -- (m2); % <-- it break's here...
%\draw [one to omany] (Employee-Username:) to node[above]{label} (Student-Username:);

enter image description here

Edit: this is a Crow's Foot Notation for visualizing IT Database structures:

Crow's Foot Notation for visualizing IT Database structures

Best Answer

Since your MWE it's above my level of knowledge, I propose a solution with a pic (entity) with a tabular inside.

The arguments of the pic are 3: name of the node, name of the entity and the rows of the tabular (maybe it's more elegant to have the complete tabular as the third argument, in this case, you can define two new column types in order to avoid typing them all the times).

The code for the one to many, etc. is taken from one of the posts you linked.

I've added another entity just to show that the size of the entity varies according to the number of rows you put in the tabular.


% code for "one to omany", etc. is taken from https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/141797/101651
\pgfarrowsdeclare{crow's foot}{crow's foot}
    %\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%

    %\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%
    \pgfpathcircle{\pgfpoint{-11.5pt}{0}} {3.5pt}

    %\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.25\pgflinewidth%

    pics/entity/.style n args={3}{code={%
            \node[draw, blue,
            shade, top color=white, bottom color=blue!30,
            drop shadow={gray!70,
                shadow xshift=3pt,
                shadow yshift=-3pt,
                rounded corners},  
            rounded corners,  
            ] (#1)
            text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex,
            above =0pt of #1
    pics/entitysimple/.style n args={3}{code={%
            \node[draw, rounded corners,             
            rectangle split,
            rectangle split parts=2,
            text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex
            ] (#1)
            {#2 \nodepart{second} 
    zig zag to/.style={
        to path={(\tikztostart) -| ($(\tikztostart)!#1!(\tikztotarget)$) |- (\tikztotarget)}
    zig zag to/.default=0.5,   
    one to one/.style={
        one-one, zig zag to
    one to many/.style={
        one-crow's foot, zig zag to,
    one to omany/.style={
        one-omany, zig zag to
    many to one/.style={
        crow's foot-one, zig zag to
    many to many/.style={
        crow's foot-crow's foot, zig zag to
    \noindent Version like your colored image:
        \pic {entity={empl}{Employee}{%
                Username: & \textcolor{red}{(PK)} \\
                Password: & varchar(255) \\        
                Name: & varchar(255) \\
                LastName: & varchar(255) \\ 
        \pic[right=7em of empl] {entity={stud}{Student}{%
                Username: & \textcolor{red}{(PK)} \\
                Password: & varchar(255) \\        
                Name: & varchar(255) \\
                LastName: & varchar(255) \\ 
        \pic[below=12ex of stud] {entity={thesis}{Thesis}{%
                Title: & \textcolor{red}{(PK)} \\
                Year: & numeric(4) \\        
        \draw[one to omany] ($(empl.north east)-(0,10pt)$) -- node[above]{\footnotesize\texttt{teaches}} ($(stud.north west)-(0,10pt)$);
        \draw[one to one] ($(stud.south)+(50pt,0)$) -- node[left]{\footnotesize\texttt{writes}} ($(thesis.north)+(50pt,0)$);
        \draw[one to many] ($(empl.south)+(30pt,0)$) |- node[left, yshift=36pt] {\footnotesize\texttt{supervises}} ($(thesis.west)+(0,4pt)$);
    Version like your code:
        \pic {entitysimple={empl}{Employee}{%
                Username: & \textcolor{red}{(PK)} \\
                Password: & varchar(255) \\        
                Name: & varchar(255) \\
                LastName: & varchar(255) \\ 
        \pic[right=7em of empl] {entitysimple={stud}{Student}{%
                Username: & \textcolor{red}{(PK)} \\
                Password: & varchar(255) \\        
                Name: & varchar(255) \\
                LastName: & varchar(255) \\ 
        \pic[below=12ex of stud] {entitysimple={thesis}{Thesis}{%
                Title: & \textcolor{red}{(PK)} \\
                Year: & numeric(4) \\        
        \draw[one to omany] (empl.east) -- node[above]{\footnotesize\texttt{teaches}} (stud.west);
        \draw[one to one] (stud.south) -- node[left]{\footnotesize\texttt{writes}} (thesis.north);
        \draw[one to many] (empl.south) |- node[left, yshift=44pt, xshift=-2pt] {\footnotesize\texttt{supervises}} (thesis.west);

enter image description here