[Tex/LaTex] Creating two column article with only section title on one column


I am trying to create a class file of my own for a personally formatted CV. I would like to know how to create two column cv with one column containing only the section title while the others containing the contents. Also how can i create a box filled with color along the side of each line in the content side column.

Best Answer

The multicol package (link) does exactly what you need, see the following example of its usage (you can replace \lipsum by any text material or whatever):



\usepackage{lipsum} % for some dummy text


  [\section{Section title that goes into both columns}]

  [\section{Section title that goes into both columns}]


Edit: as egreg points out correctly, the section header should be put as an optional argument (as is now in the MWE), so that the first paragraph gets correctly un-indented.