[Tex/LaTex] Change Section Label in Table of Contents and Section Title

appendicesformattingmemoirsectioningtable of contents

I need help with how sections created in the appendix are labeled in the table of contents and the section title itself.

As it sits now, I have each appendix as a section with a capitalized alpha character. Looking at the table of contents, I would like to change from "A Tables for Chapter One" to "Appendix A Tables for Chapter One." Likewise, I would like the title of the section (last page) to make the exact same change. Finally, I want the titles of each table and figure to remain as they are, i.e., without the word "Appendix."

Details: I am using the msuphddissertation class file, which is structured as a memoir. The contents of the class file are below the tex file with the example dissertation.







\section{Tables for Chapter One}

\caption{Intestesting First Table}
\begin{tabular}{l*{4}{c}} \hline\hline
Var1 & 1.00 & 1.00 & 1.00 & 1.00\\


Class file:

% MSU Ph.D Dissertation class file
% Copyright by Clifford E. Weil and MSU Board of Trustees 2010
% This file must not to alter or distributed.
% New users should download the latest distribution from
% http://www.math.msu.edu/~weil/MSU_Ph.D._Dissertation.zip

% Report bugs to Clifford Weil (weil@math.msu.edu).
% Latest revision 8/12/13 
% Identification

% Bring in the regular book class

% Bring in needed packages

% Change to double spacing as defined by MS Word
% Redefine the \doublspacing command
  \setstretch {1.9}%  default
  \ifcase \@ptsize \relax % 10pt
    \setstretch {1.9}%
  \or % 11pt
    \setstretch {1.9}%
  \or % 12pt
    \setstretch {1.9}%

% Number all levels of document divisions

% Set depth of table of contents

% Set second level of sub(super) scripts to 10 pt.
% Thanks to Lee Larson for this fix.
% Set footnote font size to 12pt.

% Define the command \unit 

%Define the Title Page



    Submitted to \\
    Michigan State University \\
   in partial fulfillment of the requirements \\
   for the degree of 

     \fromunit % Inserts unit name and degree type%


% Define the command \abstractname

%Define the abstract environment for the dissertation
         \bfseries \abstractname\vspace{\baselineskip}






% Define the Copyright Page
     Copyright by\\

% Define the Dedication Page

% Define the Acknowledgement Page
     { \end{doublespace}\thispagestyle{plain}

% Define the Preface Page

% Redefine the \chapter command to put "Chapter" 
% before each chapter entry in the ToC and to put
% "Appendix" before each appendix entry in the ToC.
% Move up to top of page.
% Replaced \chaptername by \@chapapp 7-26-12
% Added \singlespacing command after \typeout 2/27/2014
\def\@chapter[#1]#2{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne

% Rededefine the table of contents command 
\renewcommand\contentsname{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
    \chapter*{\vspace{-2.5\baselineskip}\centerline{\large \MakeUppercase\contentsname}



%  Define the \LOT command to augment the \listofftables command
\renewcommand\listtablename{LIST OF TABLES}
   \chapter*{\vspace{-2.5\baselineskip}\centerline{\large \MakeUppercase
   \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textbf{LIST OF TABLES}\vspace{\baselineskip}}%


    \renewcommand{\cfttabpresnum}{Table }     

% Define the \LOF command to augment the \listoffigures command
\renewcommand\listfigurename{LIST OF FIGURES}
   \chapter*{\vspace{-2.5\baselineskip}\centerline{\large \MakeUppercase\listfigurename}} 
   \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textbf{LIST OF FIGURES}\vspace{\baselineskip}}%


    \renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{Figure }     

% Define the Abbreviations Page
    \newcommand{\keyname}{Key to Symboles and Abbreviations}
        %{\textbf{\keyname}\textmd{\leaders\hbox to 1em{\hss.\hss}\hfill}}

% Single space quotation environments.
               {\begin{singlespace}\list{}{\listparindent 1.5em%
                        \itemindent    \listparindent
                        \rightmargin   \leftmargin
                        \parsep        \z@ \@plus\p@}%

% Redefine the \appendix command to replace "Chapter"
% by "Appendix" for appendices in the ToC 
%%  The next three lines added 8-2-12
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textbf{\appname}\textmd{\leaders\hbox to 1em{\hss.\hss}\hfill}}                

% Single space the bibliography
      {    \clearpage
          \Huge \textbf{\MakeUppercase{\bibname}}
         % \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textbf{\bibname}\textmd{\leaders\hbox to 1em{\hss.\hss}\hfill}
      \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
       {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%

% Define the msulandscape environment.
    \pdfpageattr{/Rotate 90}

% Define the lscapenum environment.
   \fancyhead{} % clear all header fields
   \fancyfoot{} % clear all footer fields

% Set the starting page style

Best Answer

You can place the following code snippet immediately after your \appendix command:

  \protect\renewcommand\protect\cftsecpresnum{Appendix }% Prepend Appendix
  \protect\setlength\protect\cftsecnumwidth{6em}% Adjust width of section number in ToC
\renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{Appendix~\csname the#1\endcsname \quad}

The first \addtocontents{toc}{...} stuff places the appropriate changes into the ToC file. More specifically, it prepends each section number with Appendix and provides an adjustment of the section number width (since it now contains the word Appendix as well). The second \@seccntformat prepends Appendix~ to the section number format (for all sectional units. Perhaps that's sufficient.

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