[Tex/LaTex] Creating Macros for Math Text


The built-in commands for text in math mode, such as \sup, are formatted very nicely. How can I define a macro for some short text that is to appear multiple times in math mode (such as "diam"), so that it mimics the formatting of something like \sup?

Best Answer

With the amsmath package loaded:


in your preamble. Use it in an equation with \diam. This will give you the upright text that you want, and the proper spacing. See section 5.1 of the amsmath documentation for more details. For single use, instead of defining a macro \operatorname{diam} will have the same effect if you use it directly inside an equation.

For bits of text that are not functions in the mathematical sense, e.g. if you want to put some upright text in a subscript, this package also makes the \text{...} command available. You can use this in a \newcommand as usual. See this question for a demonstration of the \text command.