[Tex/LaTex] Creating List of Notation

table of contents

I have been using LaTeX for a while however I am new to writing a new command. Essentially I wanted to make a list of notation for my thesis. I have seen quite a few styles of nomenclatures, but none of them really meets my desire.

In my list of notation I want to have one column for the symbols and one column for the corresponding page numbers. Also I want the list of notation to appear in my table of contents. I have roughly had the algorithm:

  1. for each symbol, write a new command to assign a label, and keep them in a certain list;

  2. write another new command to add list of notation to table of contents, and print these symbols as well as their page numbers.

Apologize if the question is too simple. Maybe there are some packages available but I didn't know. I guess it is not too hard to write a new command for this but I just really haven't learnt any thing about this. So if you can provide me a MWE it would be great.

Best Answer

This sets up a quick and dirty list of symbols, using the \SymbolPrint command, which either typesets the symbol where it appears and automatically adds an index entry to the imakeidx style of splitted indices.



\makeindex[intoc=true,name=notationlist,columns=1,title={List of Symbols}]

\chapter{First sophisticated chapter}

This is some mathematical text, with the \[\SymbolPrint{\Omega} = 0.5 \cdot \left({\SymbolPrint{\Omega} + \SymbolPrint{\Omega}}\right)\] 
printed in text.
Here is another Symbol, \SymbolPrint{\nabla}. And here the famous \SymbolPrint{\Omega} again. 
And in an aligned environment
  \SymbolPrint{\vec{\nabla}} \circ \vec{v} &= \SymbolPrint{\dfrac{\partial}{\partial x}} v_{x} + \ldots


Of course, the output must be formatted more nicely using a different style, I try to find a solution ;-) enter image description here