[Tex/LaTex] Create loop arrow in TikZ


I'm trying to create an arrow that goes out from the bottom of a word, and then loops around to the top of that same word. The point is to illustrate that the output of "Operations" also becomes the input of "Operations".

My initial attempt was simply to use edge[out = -90, in = 90], but that doesn't make the arrow loop around the word.


    \node at (0,0) (Operations) {Operations};
    \draw [->] (Operations) edge[out = -90, in = 90] (Operations);


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In my real example, I have an arrow pointing down to "Operations" from a node above, and an arrow pointing down from "Operations" to a node below. The start and end of the loop arrow should ideally align with these two existing arrows.


    \node at (0,3) (Input) {Input};
    \node at (0,1.5) (Operations) {Operations};
    \node at (0,0) (Output) {Output};
    \draw [->] (Input) -- (Operations);
    \draw [->] (Operations.center) arc (-180:180:1);
    \draw [->] (Operations) -- (Output);


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Best Answer

Here a very grob solution by adding a third node \node at (1,0) (here) {}; and modifiyng the arrow's size by looseness.

    \node at (0,0) (Operations) {Operations};
    \node at (1,0) (here) {};
    \draw [->] (Operations) to[out=-80, in=-90,looseness=2] (here)    to[out=90,in=80,looseness=2] (Operations);


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