TikZ-PGF – How to Create a Footnote in Node in a TikZ Picture


I would like to add a footnote to a node in a TikZ picture, but every solution I could imagine fails. I tried using a minipage, too.


\foreach \x/\y/\number/\year in {
  0.5/0.46/ 4.624/2001,
  1.5/0.89/ 8.965/2002\footnotemark,
  \draw (\x cm, 0 cm) rectangle (0.5 cm + \x cm, \y cm) node at (0.25 cm + \x cm, \y cm + 0.25 cm) {\tiny\number};
  \node[rotate=45, left] at (0.6 cm +\x cm,-0.1cm) {\year};

The output shown is

! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
l.18   }

The footnote text is displayed correctly, but the footnote mark is not.

I tried using a minipage as following. I replaced

\node[rotate=45, left] at (0.6 cm +\x cm,-0.1cm) {\year};


\node[rotate=45, left] at (0.6 cm +\x cm,-0.1cm) {\begin{minipage}{2em}\year\end{minipage}};

Follow-up question: How to create multiple footnotes with the hyperref package?





  \foreach \x/\y/\Number/\Year in {
      0.5/0.46/ 4.624/2001,
      1.5/0.89/ 8.965/2002\footnotemark,
    \draw (\x cm, 0 cm) rectangle (0.5 cm + \x cm, \y cm) node at (0.25 cm + \x cm, \y cm + 0.25 cm) {\tiny\Number};
    \node[rotate=45, left] at (0.6 cm +\x cm,-0.1cm) {\Year};





Best Answer

It's quite dangerous using \number in that context, because it's an important primitive of TeX that's indeed used for printing the footnote number; that's why TeX gets very confused: it means something completely unexpected when it's necessary to use its original meaning.

Also \year is a primitive; better using another name also for it.


\foreach \x/\y/\Number/\Year in {
  0.5/0.46/ 4.624/2001,
  1.5/0.89/ 8.965/2002\footnotemark,
  \draw (\x cm, 0 cm) rectangle (0.5 cm + \x cm, \y cm)
        node at (0.25 cm + \x cm, \y cm + 0.25 cm) {\tiny\Number};
  \node[rotate=45, left] at (0.6 cm +\x cm,-0.1cm) {\Year};

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