[Tex/LaTex] Counter too large ERROR when it shouldn’t


My Latex document suddenly stopped compiling and raising the "! LaTeX Error: Counter too large." error for no apparent reason. It compiled before, with the same amount of figures and subfigures, but even by erasing the things I added since the last time it compiled, it just doesn't work anymore.

I know what generally causes this error => when captioning more than 26 subfigures, it runs out of letter to label the subfigures and throws this error. This is not my case. My largest figure only has 8 subfigures so I don't know why it doesn't work.

Here's part of my code (more figures come before this):

\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{Thesis} % The default font size and one-sided printing (no margin offsets)

\graphicspath{{./Pictures/}} % Specifies the directory where pictures are stored

\usepackage{mathtools}  % loads »amsmath«

%\usepackage{showframe} % for demo

\usepackage[square, numbers, comma, sort&compress]{natbib} 


\hypersetup{urlcolor=blue, colorlinks=true} % Colors hyperlinks in blue - change to black if annoying
\title{\ttitle} % Defines the thesis title - don't touch this


\section{Influence of solid exits}
%compare 5wg and 6wg. REG and SIDE sections, velocity vectors, turbulence, velocity contours?, ... Explain "vortex air-wall" in both, and why it's a clear advantage in 6wg.

&   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s] - 5-wheels geometry}
&   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s]] - 6-wheels geometry}
    \end{subfigure}     \\
&   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s] - 5-wheels geometry close-up}
&   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s] - 6-wheels geometry close-up}
    \end{subfigure}  \\
&   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{Tangential velocity contours [m/s] - 5-wheels geometry close-up}
&   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{Tangential velocity contours [m/s] - 6-wheels geometry close-up}
    \end{subfigure}  \\
    &   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{Subgrid turbulent viscosity ratio [kg/m.s] - 5-wheels geometry close-up}
&   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{Subgrid turbulent viscosity ratio [kg/m.s] - 6-wheels geometry close-up}
    \end{subfigure}  \\
\caption{Influence of the solid exits: 5-wheels geometry (left) and 6-wheels geometry (right)}

\section{Influence of chimneys}
%Chimneys as turbulence creators?
%Chimney diameter? => central reflux! show in both 5wg and 6wg!
%Possible solution => conic chimneys, show with 6wg.

&   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s] - 5-wheels geometry}
&   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s]] - 6-wheels geometry}
    \end{subfigure}     \\
&   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s] - 5-wheels geometry close-up}
&   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s] - 6-wheels geometry close-up}
    \end{subfigure}  \\
&   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{Axial velocity contours [m/s] - 5-wheels geometry close-up}
&   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{Axial velocity contours [m/s] - 6-wheels geometry close-up}
    \end{subfigure}  \\
    &   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{Subgrid turbulent viscosity ratio [kg/m.s] - 5-wheels geometry close-up}
&   \begin{subfigure}{\hsize} 
        \caption{Subgrid turbulent viscosity ratio [kg/m.s] - 6-wheels geometry close-up}
    \end{subfigure}  \\
\caption{Influence of the chimneys: 5-wheels geometry (left) and 6-wheels geometry (right)}


I know I didn't used the most straightforward method to create my tables, and I could have used a minipage for my subfigures instead. But if possible I would like to keep those "tables with subfigures" as they are (with minor changes if necessary to fix the problem ofc).

Best Answer

I get no error and also the reset of subfigure numbering if I remove tabularx, that's probably the cause for the issue.

You simply don't need it just for setting multiple subfigures.

I also changed Thesis to book, as it's impossible to know what class you're loading.

\PassOptionsToPackage{demo}{graphicx} % just for this example
\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{book} % The default font size and one-sided printing (no margin offsets)

\usepackage{mathtools}  % loads »amsmath«

%\usepackage{showframe} % for demo

\usepackage[square, numbers, comma, sort&compress]{natbib} 


\hypersetup{urlcolor=blue, colorlinks=true} % Colors hyperlinks in blue - change to black if annoying

\graphicspath{{./Pictures/}} % Specifies the directory where pictures are stored

\title{\ttitle} % Defines the thesis title - don't touch this


\section{Influence of solid exits}
%compare 5wg and 6wg. REG and SIDE sections, velocity vectors, turbulence, velocity contours?, ... Explain "vortex air-wall" in both, and why it's a clear advantage in 6wg.

        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s] - 5-wheels geometry}
        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s]] - 6-wheels geometry}
    \end{subfigure}     \\
        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s] - 5-wheels geometry close-up}
        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s] - 6-wheels geometry close-up}
    \end{subfigure}  \\
        \caption{Tangential velocity contours [m/s] - 5-wheels geometry close-up}
        \caption{Tangential velocity contours [m/s] - 6-wheels geometry close-up}
    \end{subfigure}  \\
        \caption{Subgrid turbulent viscosity ratio [kg/m.s] - 5-wheels geometry close-up}
        \caption{Subgrid turbulent viscosity ratio [kg/m.s] - 6-wheels geometry close-up}
    \end{subfigure}  \\
\caption{Influence of the solid exits: 5-wheels geometry (left) and 6-wheels geometry (right)}

\section{Influence of chimneys}
%Chimneys as turbulence creators?
%Chimney diameter? => central reflux! show in both 5wg and 6wg!
%Possible solution => conic chimneys, show with 6wg.

        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s] - 5-wheels geometry}
        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s]] - 6-wheels geometry}
    \end{subfigure}     \\
        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s] - 5-wheels geometry close-up}
        \caption{In-plane velocity vectors [m/s] - 6-wheels geometry close-up}
    \end{subfigure}  \\
        \caption{Axial velocity contours [m/s] - 5-wheels geometry close-up}
        \caption{Axial velocity contours [m/s] - 6-wheels geometry close-up}
    \end{subfigure}  \\
        \caption{Subgrid turbulent viscosity ratio [kg/m.s] - 5-wheels geometry close-up}
        \caption{Subgrid turbulent viscosity ratio [kg/m.s] - 6-wheels geometry close-up}
    \end{subfigure}  \\
\caption{Influence of the chimneys: 5-wheels geometry (left) and 6-wheels geometry (right)}


In the example, I used height=2cm in order not to get too large floats.

enter image description here