[Tex/LaTex] Counter too long subfigure


I'm trying to make a igure with more than 26 subfigures, therefore, the counter of the alphabet is not enough since it goes only to the z. I tried as suggested in other posts to use the package alphalph like this:



%and so on until 32 subfigures

\caption{Segmentation performance}

However, I get this error for the other figures in the document (which are not with automatic enumeration): "Missing number treated as zero".

The other figures are declared as:

\subfigure[\scriptsize{distribution with heavy tails}]{\includegraphics[width=.48\columnwidth]{Figures/Theory/PDF1n}\label{fig:PDF1}}
 \subfigure[\scriptsize{distribution with light tails}]{\label{fig:PDF2}
\caption{\scriptsize{Kernel bandwidth selection strategy}}.

Best Answer

\alphalph needs a counter value as argument. However package subfigure is obsolete, use subfig instead:

\usepackage[demo]{graphicx}%  delete [demo] after testing

\subfloat[]{\includegraphics[width=0.23\columnwidth]  {figures/Segmentation/Pedestrians_trck.eps}\label{fig:a_trck}}

\caption{Segmentation performance}