[Tex/LaTex] Converting LaTeX file into RTF – can’t seem to detect class file


I have a resume in LaTeX format, that's using the Resume class from Michael DeCorte.

I'm trying to convert it to RTF format, and hitting some issues.

$ latex2rtf resume
resume.tex:3    Document format <resume> unknown, using article format
resume.tex:3   Package/option 'margin' unknown.
resume.tex:3   Package/option 'line' unknown.
resume.tex:7   Unknown command '\name'
resume.tex:8   Error! Could not find <\end{resume}>

The resume.cls file is in the current directory, however latex2rtf can't seem to find it?

Is there some way of getting this to work? Or another way to output the LaTeX file to RTF/Word .doc?


Best Answer

Here's another way: you can use a LaTeX-to-HTML converter. MS Word can open and edit the result HTML file directly. Then, just save it as a .doc, .docx or .rtf

EDIT (10/22/2013): after looking older answers on the same topic, it seems that TeX4ht is a good choice to the TeX-to-HTML or XHTML conversion. It also converts to OpenDocument format (which is used by the Apache OpenOffice suite). If you have MS Office 2010, it can open OpenDocument texts directly.

See this question for more details.