[Tex/LaTex] Control of spacing between equation lines when using split


I am using this LaTex template (see gmuthesis.sty and GMU_thesis_template.tex in the linked zip file) to generate a thesis. It has some long equations in it. When I render the below equation in the context of the template, I get picture A. When I render it in a barebones document having just the equation, I get picture B. I would like my equations to render like picture B. What setting is controlling the spacing between lines, and how should I change it?


\documentclass[11 pt]{report}

\[\frac{100}{2} = \frac{\begin{split}&\text{DG:SG:Granule } + \text{DG:SG:Total Molecular } + \text{DG:SG:MOLAX } +\\
& \text{DG:SG:Outer Molecular } + \text{DG:SG:HICAP } + \text{DG:SG:Axo-Axonic } +\\
& \text{DG:SG:HIPP } + \text{DG:SG:Aspiny Hilar } + \text{DG:SG:Basket-PV } +\\
& \text{DG:SG:Basket-CCK } + \text{DG:SG:Non-Ivy / NGF }\end{split}}{\begin{split}&\text{DG:SG:Total Molecular } + \text{DG:SG:MOLAX } + \text{DG:SG:Outer Molecular } +\\
& \text{DG:SG:HICAP } + \text{DG:SG:Axo-Axonic } + \text{DG:SG:HIPP } +\\
& \text{DG:SG:Aspiny Hilar } + \text{DG:SG:Basket-PV } + \text{DG:SG:Basket-CCK } +\\
& \text{DG:SG:Non-Ivy / NGF }\end{split}}\]

Picture A
enter image description here

Picture B
enter image description here

Best Answer

I was able to solve this problem by providing an extra argument to \\; I replaced each \\ with \\[-20pt]. More info about adjusting line spacing in this way can be found here. I tried several other things as well:

  • adjusting jot: \setlength{\jot}{2pt}. I found that if I set the jot size to large values I could INCREASE the spacing between lines, but I wanted to decrease them. Setting jot below a certain limit had no further effect; 2pt did nothing more than 5pt, for instance.
  • adjusting baselineskip; no effect
  • adjusting baselinestretch; no effect

Here is a good description of jot.

From this description of baselineskip, it looks like this was somehow the problem. If anyone has any insight here, please comment!