Subfloats – Continuous Subfigure Numbering Techniques


I have a lot of files including images and I want them to be numbered continuously.

I use many images next to each other, which looks like


Their caption labels are (1) and (2).

Then I have single images like:


Its label is (1) again, but I would like it to have (3).

My attempt was to use:


so that it ignores the figure-environment. It does not work.

The problem is that I am using memoir as documentclass, without using chapters. Originally, the pictures were numbered continuously like 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 etc., because they were in minipages instead of subfigures. But I wanted to remove the 0, so that I replaced the minipages with subfigures and


I hope this is understandable and I appreciate your help!

Best Answer

Here is my solution using the etoolbox package and a new counter which will be increased by one each time the subfigure environment is called.









EDIT It turned out that the above solution is not entirely satisfying when calling \ref{} with one of the labels defined (see this question). In order to fix that, just add these lines to your preamble:
