[Tex/LaTex] Compressed / abbreviated bibliography? (Biblatex or otherwise?)


I'm writing a grant application, and I've been asked to compress my bibliography so that it looks something like this:

1. Smith, J. Nature 7, 201-204 (1999). 2. Jones, B. Cell 17, 364-369
(2007). 3. Jackson, R. et al. J Comp Bskt Weave 32, 123-190 (2010). 4. Parker,
P. et al. J Wall Climb, 10, 17-21 (1973). […]

First author name only (followed by et al.), abbreviated and italicised journal names, bold volume numbers, no line breaks so that the entire reference list is basically a single giant paragraph (I know, it's ugly as sin, but this is what I've been asked to do), etc.

I'm using biblatex because I need to print this bibliography in the middle of the proposal, and it just seemed easiest to use biblatex in that situation. Is there any biblatex style that would do what I'm looking for? Or failing that, a bibtex style and I'll figure out how to print the bibliography in the right place? Or will I need to figure out how to roll my own?

Best Answer

This solution takes pretty much the same approach as Oleg's, but it avoids the paralist package as the one-paragraph list environments don't entirely get along with biblatex's numeric citation label format. The document here also uses the contributed style package biblatex-nature, but any other numeric style could be applied.


% Some field suppression via options

% One-paragraph bibliography environment
      \ifentrytype{article}{% Suppress remaining fields/names/lists here

% \mkbibitem just prints item label and non-breakable space

% Add breakable space between bibliography items

% et al. string upright (nature style applies \mkbibemph)
    test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
    test \ifmorenames

\section{Section title}
Filler text \parencite{bertram,glashow,aksin}.
\section{Section title}
Filler text.

enter image description here

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