[Tex/LaTex] Completely hide bullet when using itemize


When using the following command

\item[] foo
\item[] bar

I guess the margins around the bullets are still visible, and thus my items seem to be indented. How can I manage for my items not to be indented AT ALL ?

Best Answer

I would suggest using enumitem to create list to suit your needs:

enter image description here


\setlist[noitemize]{label={}, labelsep=0pt, leftmargin=0pt}


\noindent Some reference text.

  \item foo
  \item[] bar

  \item foo
  \item bar

\begin{itemize}[label={}, labelsep=0pt, leftmargin=0pt]
  \item foo
  \item bar

  \item foo
  \item bar


In successive steps above, I remove the bullet, then the indentation and also set the left margin. Alternatively, and perhaps better, create list that suits your needs entirely (noitemize).