[Tex/LaTex] Commutative diagram with curved arrows, colour, and changing the style of arrows


I am using xy matrix and I would to curve an arrow over other arrows in a diagram, at the same time as setting some of these curved arrows to equal and changing their colour. This is what I have so far:


    &&H(Z) \ar@/^2.0pc/[rr]^{F(f^{op} \circ g^{op})} \ar[r]^{H^{*}(g^{op})} & H(Y) \ar@{=}[dl] \ar[r]^{H^{*}(f^{op})} & H(X) \ar@{=}[dl] \ar@/^2.0pc/[ddll]\\
    & H(Z) \ar@{=}[ur] & H(Y) \ar[u]_{G(g^{op})} & H(X) \ar@{=}[dl] \ar[u]_{G(f^{op})}\\
    H(Z) \ar[r]^{H^{*}(g^{op})} \ar@{=}[ur]  &H(Y) \ar@{=}[ur] \ar[r]^{H^{*}(f^{op})}  \ar[u]_{G(g^{op})} &H(X)   \ar[u]_{G(f^{op})} \ar@/^2.0pc/[uu]^{G(f^{op} \circ g^{op})}  \\

I would like the larger curved arrows to be red, with the curved arrow in the bottom right hand corner of the diagram to be an = arrow as in ar@{=}[ddll].

Best Answer

Here's a possible solution using the color option for the xy package and the xcolor package:



& & H(Z) \ar@/^2.0pc/@[red][rr]^{F(f^{op} \circ g^{op})} \ar[r]^{H^{*}(g^{op})} 
  & H(Y) \ar@{=}[dl] \ar[r]^{H^{*}(f^{op})} 
  & H(X) \ar@{=}[dl] \ar@/^2.0pc/@{=>}@[red][ddll] \\
& H(Z) \ar@{=}[ur] 
  & H(Y) \ar[u]_{G(g^{op})} 
  & H(X) \ar@{=}[dl] \ar[u]_{G(f^{op})} \\
H(Z) \ar[r]_{H^{*}(g^{op})} \ar@{=}[ur] 
  & H(Y) \ar@{=}[ur] \ar[r]_{H^{*}(f^{op})}  \ar[u]_{G(g^{op})}
  & H(X)  \ar[u]_{G(f^{op})} 
  \ar@/^2.0pc/@[red][uu]^{G(f^{op} \circ g^{op})}


The above code will produce the following result (I only focused my answer on the problems mentioned in the question; the layout of the diagram has to be improved to avoid overlapping elements):

enter image description here

Changing the column spacing, overlapping element are prevented:



& & H(Z) \ar@/^2.0pc/@[red][rr]^{F(f^{op} \circ g^{op})} \ar[r]^{H^{*}(g^{op})} 
  & H(Y) \ar@{=}[dl] \ar[r]^{H^{*}(f^{op})} 
  & H(X) \ar@{=}[dl] \ar@/^2.0pc/@{=>}@[red][ddll] \\
& H(Z) \ar@{=}[ur] 
  & H(Y) \ar[u]_{G(g^{op})} 
  & H(X) \ar@{=}[dl] \ar[u]_{G(f^{op})} \\
H(Z) \ar[r]_{H^{*}(g^{op})} \ar@{=}[ur] 
  & H(Y) \ar@{=}[ur] \ar[r]_{H^{*}(f^{op})}  \ar[u]_{G(g^{op})}
  & H(X)  \ar[u]_{G(f^{op})} 
  \ar@/^2.0pc/@[red][uu]^{G(f^{op} \circ g^{op})}


enter image description here

As a side note, a package that could be of interest for you is tikz-cd.

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