[Tex/LaTex] Short diagonal arrows inside commutative diagram


I need to use the xy maths package (because I need to make it into a PNG file for WordPress and mathurl.com accepts the xy template) to make a commutative diagram in which there are diagonal 4 shorter arrows inside the diagram, directed inward. The best I can do is

\xymatrix{Y' \ar[r]^{g'}
\ar[d]_{f'} & X' \ar[d]^{f} \\
Y \ar[r]_{g} & X 

So I can only get one arrow, which needs to be higher up to the right.

Best Answer

I'd use additional rows and columns:

Y' \ar[rr]^{g'} \ar[dd]_{f'} && X' \ar[dd]^{f} \\
 & \mbox{\phantom{$x$}} \ar@{<=}[ul] \ar@{<=}[ur] \ar@{<=}[dl] \ar@{<=}[dr]   & \\
Y \ar[rr]_{g} && X

enter image description here

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