[Tex/LaTex] Common colorbar over groupplot


I have results that I want to present in a groupplot that share a common result range. Naturally, I don't want to show multiple colorbar next to each picture next to each individual picture but one colorbar

  • over or under the groupplot spanning from left to right of the groupplot or
  • left or right of the groupplot spanning from top to bottom of the groupplot

I got the groupplot working thanks to this thread. I tried several things for the colorbar but I was not successful so far:

Solution try 1

Based on this answer. But the height is not correct:




  group style={
    group name=my plots,
    group size= 2 by 4,
    vertical sep=1.5cm
  hide axis,
  axis equal image,
\addplot graphics [xmin=\xmin,xmax=\xmax,ymin=\ymin,ymax=\ymax]
    point meta min=0.0,
    point meta max=1.0,
    colormap/bluered,                     % Colormap preset
    colorbar sampled,                     % Steps in colorbar
    colorbar right,
    colorbar style={
      separate axis lines,
      samples=256,                        % Number of steps
    every colorbar/.append style={
      height=2*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/parent axis height}+
               \pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/group/vertical sep}
\addplot graphics [xmin=\xmin,xmax=\xmax,ymin=\ymin,ymax=\ymax]
\addplot graphics [xmin=\xmin,xmax=\xmax,ymin=\ymin,ymax=\ymax]
\addplot graphics [xmin=\xmin,xmax=\xmax,ymin=\ymin,ymax=\ymax]
% Labels
\node[below = 0.5cm of my plots c1r1.south] {(a) Timestep 25};
\node[below = 0.5cm of my plots c2r1.south] {(b) Timestep 35};
\node[below = 0.5cm of my plots c1r2.south] {(c) Timestep 45};
\node[below = 0.5cm of my plots c2r2.south] {(d) Timestep 55};


Giving this result:

enter image description here

Defining a fixed height does not change anything regarding the result. Interestingly I can change the colorbar height with point meta max=2 option

Solution try 2

Based on this answer I tried using node relative positioning:




  group style={
    group name=my plots,
    group size= 2 by 4,
    vertical sep=1.5cm
  hide axis,
  axis equal image,
    \addplot graphics [xmin=\xmin,xmax=\xmax,ymin=\ymin,ymax=\ymax]
    \coordinate (top) at (rel axis cs:0,1);% coordinate at top of the first plot
    \addplot graphics [xmin=\xmin,xmax=\xmax,ymin=\ymin,ymax=\ymax]
    \addplot graphics [xmin=\xmin,xmax=\xmax,ymin=\ymin,ymax=\ymax]
    \addplot graphics [xmin=\xmin,xmax=\xmax,ymin=\ymin,ymax=\ymax]
    \coordinate (bot) at (rel axis cs:1,0);% coordinate at bottom of the last plot
% Labels
\node[below = 0.5cm of my plots c1r1.south] {(a) Timestep 25};
\node[below = 0.5cm of my plots c2r1.south] {(b) Timestep 35};
\node[below = 0.5cm of my plots c1r2.south] {(c) Timestep 45};
\node[below = 0.5cm of my plots c2r2.south] {(d) Timestep 55};
% Colorbar
\path (top|-current bounding box.north)--
                    (bot|-current bounding box.north);
  hide axis,
  scale only axis,
  anchor=north west,
  point meta min=0.0,
  point meta max=2.0,
  colormap/bluered,                     % Colormap preset
  colorbar horizontal,                  % Active colorbar
  colorbar sampled,                     % Steps in colorbar
  colorbar style={
    separate axis lines,
    samples=256,                        % Number of steps
  \addplot [draw=none] coordinates {(0,0)};


This gives me a colorbar but it is not nearly where I would expect it and the width is not from left to right of two subplots:

enter image description here

Any ideas how to fix the colorbar?

Best Answer

Ok, I basically got what I want with the second attempt. But the solution is not as automated as I would like it to have concerning width and position of the colorbar




  group style={
    group name=my plots,
    group size= 2 by 4,
    vertical sep=1.5cm
  hide axis,
  axis equal image,
    \addplot graphics [xmin=\xmin,xmax=\xmax,ymin=\ymin,ymax=\ymax]
    \coordinate (top) at (rel axis cs:0,1);% coordinate at top of the first plot
    \addplot graphics [xmin=\xmin,xmax=\xmax,ymin=\ymin,ymax=\ymax]
    \addplot graphics [xmin=\xmin,xmax=\xmax,ymin=\ymin,ymax=\ymax]
    \addplot graphics [xmin=\xmin,xmax=\xmax,ymin=\ymin,ymax=\ymax]
    \coordinate (bot) at (rel axis cs:1,0);% coordinate at bottom of the last plot
% Labels
\node[below = 0.5cm of my plots c1r1.south] {(a) Timestep 25};
\node[below = 0.5cm of my plots c2r1.south] {(b) Timestep 35};
\node[below = 0.5cm of my plots c1r2.south] {(c) Timestep 45};
\node[below = 0.5cm of my plots c2r2.south] {(d) Timestep 55};
% Node position middle right groupplot
\path (top-|current bounding box.east)--
                    (bot-|current bounding box.east);
% Node position middle above groupplot
\path (top|-current bounding box.north)--
                    (bot|-current bounding box.north);
% Node markers
%\node [circle,fill=black,minimum size=10pt] at (legendposright){};
%\node [circle,fill=black,minimum size=10pt] at (legendposabove){};
%Colorbar above
  hide axis,
  scale only axis,
  point meta min=0.0,
  point meta max=2.0,
  colormap/bluered,                     % Colormap preset
  colorbar horizontal,                  % Active colorbar
  colorbar sampled,                     % Steps in colorbar
  colorbar style={
    separate axis lines,
    samples=256,                        % Number of steps
    xticklabel pos=upper
  %every colorbar/.append style={
  %  width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/parent axis width}%+
  %             %\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/group/vertical sep}
  \addplot [draw=none] coordinates {(0,0)};
%Colorbar right
  hide axis,
  scale only axis,
  point meta min=0.0,
  point meta max=2.0,
  colormap/bluered,                     % Colormap preset
  colorbar right,                  % Active colorbar
  colorbar sampled,                     % Steps in colorbar
  colorbar style={
    separate axis lines,
    samples=256,                        % Number of steps
  every colorbar/.append style={
    height=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/parent axis height}%+
               %\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/group/vertical sep}
  \addplot [draw=none] coordinates {(0,0)};



enter image description here

Any improvements ideas?

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