[Tex/LaTex] Colored box with image and text, no margins


I would be extremely grateful to get some help with this following problem:
I would like to have following outcome:

Wished outcome

Where the grey box is all the way out in the margin, but the image and the rest of the text in the document has a specific margin. I would also like to include a listing of text in the colored box.

Closest I can get is this:

\fcolorbox{MyGray2}{MyGray2}{\parbox{\paperwidth-3.0\fboxsep-3.0\fboxrule}{\includegraphics[scale=0.1, left=5in]{cvbild.jpg}}{Hejhejhejhejhejhej akj kajhf kjhj hkdjfh skdjfh ksdjfg kdsg }}

However is the margin to the left still white and the text doesn't come even close to where I want it.

Another try was to make a \mybox and change the margins just over the box, but then I get a new page before and after the box.

   % width=0.2\textwidth,   % this option controls the width of the box

\newgeometry{left=0in,right=0in} % set new margins  
\nopagebreak[4] % doesn't work  
\includegraphics[scale=.1, left]{cvbild.jpg}{example varfö alajlkejf ksdf }  
\restoregeometry % restore margins

Best Answer

One could use tcolorbox or mdframed, for example, but this can also be done without those powerful packages using some boxes (for example, a \makebox, a \parbox of width equal to \paperwidth, a \colorbox and some minipages for the inner contents); something along these lines:

\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate filler text



        Some other text\par\bigskip
        Email \\
        Phone \\



The result:

enter image description here