[Tex/LaTex] Colored box just around the text


I want to have a rounded box with black border lines and a backgroundcolor, f.e. yellow just around the text, not around the whole line, so the sentence should just continue on the same line. I found many threads regarding similar questions but the answer was always around a whole line or a whole paragraph but not about just one word.

Best Answer

Based on this answer by Roelof Spijker, just add draw=black to achieve the black border:

\newcommand\mybox[2][]{\tikz[overlay]\node[fill=yellow!20,draw=black,inner sep=2pt, anchor=text, rectangle, rounded corners=1mm,#1] {#2};\phantom{#2}}
    this is some text \mybox{box} text\\
    this is some text box text
    this is some text box text\\
    this is some text box text