[Tex/LaTex] Cite only first author and year


\cite*{kastenholz}, \citeyear{kastenholz}

I am look for a way to cite only the first author (or more if it is not unique) and the year with one command. Kind of fullcite{} but the other way around. I couldn't find this in the docu.

I need this on a specific part of the paper. The this should work "local" and not affect any global settings of the document.
I want to use this in a table to reference papers where the data comes from but with minimal space usage in the table.

Best Answer

You could create a new cite command, from the ones available, to do what you want.


\newcommand\mycite[1]{\AtNextCite{\defcounter{maxnames}{1}}\citeauthor{#1}, \citeyear{#1}}



enter image description here

Update: As pointed out by moewe in the comments, this approach, albeit simple, has relevant limitations. It won't deal with pre- and post-notes (though it could be adapted to deal with one of them) and also not handle multiple entries. If this is enough for your case, then fine, otherwise, for a more general solution using \DeclareCiteCommand is preferred (see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/398595/105447).