[Tex/LaTex] citation at the end of minipage rather than at the end of frame


enter image description hereI have been going through various help pages to solve the problems that I am encountering using beamer presentation but unsuccessful so far. I'm using minipage to insert a figure and some texts in beamer presentation. I am also using a bibtex file to call the references automatically using \footfullcite. As shown in the picture, the references come at the end of minipage rather than at the end of the frame.Also, the numbering as 'a' whereas my previous slide has citation number as 5. So in brief, if anyone could help me in the following 2 points, it would be much appreciated. (I have already tried \footnotemark, \footnotetext{\fullcite{citeKey}} but doest get the output I want)

  1. automatic citiation from bibtex file at the end of the frame/slide
  2. continuous numbering from the previous frame

MWE is as follows:



\AtEveryCitekey{\iffootnote{\color{red}\tiny}{\color{blue}}} % To change color to blue
\AtEveryCitekey{\clearfield{title}}  % To clear the title of the journal

\date{\textbf{February 10, 2017}}

 %-------------------------------------------- Frame 1--------------------------------------- 
     \frametitle{Simulation parameters}
    \item MATLAB \footfullcite{matlab} is used.
\end{minipage}% %


Citation problem using minipage

Best Answer

Is \footcitetext the command you are looking for?


\date{February 10, 2017}
\setbeamerfont{date in head/foot}{series=\bfseries}


    \frametitle{Simulation parameters}
            \item MATLAB\footnotemark{} is used.
    \end{minipage}% %



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