[Tex/LaTex] Circuitikz: arrows on the path and changing directions of arrow with variable resistor


For my R_2(t), I would like the arrow bottom left to top right of the resistor. Is there a way to swap the arrow direction?

Also, above the non-linear resistor, how can I add an arrow on the path?

Here is what I am going for:

enter image description here

Here is my code:

\documentclass[convert = false]{standalone}
\usepackage[american, cuteinductors]{circuitikz}

\begin{circuitikz}[scale = 2]
  \draw                                             (0, 0)
        to[american voltage source, v^ = $e(t)$]    (0, 3)
        to[R, l^ = $R_1$, -*]                       (1.5, 3)
        to[vR, l_ = $R_2(t)$]                       (1.5, 1.5)
        to[L, l^ = $i_L(t)$, i = $ \ $, -*]         (1.5, 0)
        to[short]                                   (0, 0);
  \draw                                             (1.5, 0)
        to[short, -*]                               (3, 0)
        to[C, l^ = $v_c(t)$, -*]                    (3, 3)
        to[short]                                   (1.5, 3);
  \draw                                             (3, 3)
        to[short]                                   (4.5, 3)
        to[R]                                       (4.5, 0)
        to[short]                                   (3, 0);

  \node at (1.25, .75) {$L$};
  \node at (3.35, 1.5) {$C$};
  \node at (3.1, 1.65) {$+$};
  \node[align = left] at (5.1, 1.5) {Nonlinear \\ resistor};

Here is what I have:

enter image description here

Best Answer

\documentclass[convert = false,border=3pt]{standalone}
\usepackage[american, cuteinductors]{circuitikz}


\tikzset{variable resistorm/.style = {\circuitikzbasekey, /tikz/to path=\pgf@circ@vresistorm@path, l=#1}}
\tikzset{variable american resistorm/.style= {\circuitikzbasekey, /tikz/to path=\pgf@circ@bipole@path{vresistorm}{#1}, l=#1}}

        \pgf@circ@res@step = \ctikzvalof{bipoles/vresistorm/width}\pgf@circ@Rlen
        \divide \pgf@circ@res@step by 12


        \pgf@circ@res@other = \pgf@circ@res@left
        \advance\pgf@circ@res@other by \pgf@circ@res@step 
        \advance\pgf@circ@res@other by 2\pgf@circ@res@step 
        \advance\pgf@circ@res@other by 2\pgf@circ@res@step
        \advance\pgf@circ@res@other by 2\pgf@circ@res@step
        \advance\pgf@circ@res@other by 2\pgf@circ@res@step
        \advance\pgf@circ@res@other by 2\pgf@circ@res@step
        \advance\pgf@circ@res@other by \pgf@circ@res@step


\begin{circuitikz}[scale = 2]
  \draw                                             (0, 0)
        to[american voltage source, v^ = $e(t)$]    (0, 3)
        to[R, l^ = $R_1$, -*]                       (1.5, 3)
        to[variable american resistorm, l_ = $R_2(t)$]                       (1.5, 1.5)
        to[L, l^ = $i_L(t)$, i = $ \ $, -*]         (1.5, 0)
        to[short]                                   (0, 0);
  \draw                                             (1.5, 0)
        to[short, -*]                               (3, 0)
        to[C, l^ = $v_c(t)$, -*]                    (3, 3)
        to[short]                                   (1.5, 3);
  \draw                                             (3, 3)
        to[short]                                   (4.5, 3)
        to[R]                                       (4.5, 0)
        to[short]                                   (3, 0);
  \draw                 (4.5,2.75)
        to[short,i=$f_{v}(c)$]          (4.5,2);      
  \node at (1.25, .75) {$L$};
  \node at (3.35, 1.5) {$C$};
  \node at (3.1, 1.65) {$+$};
  \node[align = left] at (5.1, 1.5) {Nonlinear \\ resistor};

enter image description here

  1. I defined a new shape variable american resistorm similar to variable american resistor but placing the arrow in the required direction.

  2. A quick solution is to use an additional path; something like

    \draw                   (4.5,2.75)
        to[short,i=$f_{v}(c)$]          (4.5,2);