[Tex/LaTex] Arrows and label for equivalent resistance with Circuitikz


I have the circuit in black. But I would like to add the red part (label and arrows, no matter the color) using Circuitikz.

RTh label

Here is the code I'm using:

  \begin{circuitikz}[american, scale = 0.7, transform shape]\shorthandoff{<>}
  (0,0) to[R, l = $R_1$] (0,3)
  to [short] (2,3)
  to [R, l=$R_2$] (2,0)

  (2,3) to[R, l = $R_3$] (5,3)
  to [R, l=$R_4$] (5,0)
  to [short] (0,0)

  (5,3) to[short, -o] (7,3)
  (5,0) to[short, -o] (7,0)

  (7,3.3) node {a}
  (7,-.3) node {b}

Best Answer

Try (using TikZ for red arrow with text):

\begin{circuitikz}[american, scale = 0.7, transform shape]
  (0,0) to[R, l = $R_1$] (0,3)
  to [short] (2,3)
  to [R, l=$R_2$] (2,0)

  (2,3) to[R, l = $R_3$] (5,3)

  to [R, l=$R_4$] (5,0)
  to [short] (0,0)

  (5,3) to[short, -o] (7,3) node[above]  (a) {a}
  (5,0) to[short, -o] (7,0) node[below]  (b) {b}
  \draw[>=angle 90,<->,red,% borrowed from TikZ, gives red arrow ...
        shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] (a) to node [fill=white] {RTh} (b);

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