[Tex/LaTex] Circle Font Awesome Icons


I need to circle font awesome icons.
Currently, this is how it looks.
enter image description here

The code for this is:

\faDesktop shubhamrathi.in
\faEnvelope hello@shubhamrathi.in
\faPhone +91-9985556304
\faGithub srrathi
\faLinkedin /in/shubhamrrathi


I need icons to be enclosed in a circle like this:

enter image description here

How should this be done? I'm preferably looking for a solution without pstricks ( one which works with Sharelatex)

Best Answer

Here is a solution based on pstricks. I define a \pscircled{#1} command:

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %
\usepackage{pst-node, auto-pst-pdf}





enter image description here