[Tex/LaTex] A dotted circle: control size of dots and distance between them


My MWE is:



\draw[red,dotted] (0,0) circle (2);
\draw[black,thick] (5,0) circle (2);
% <<dashed>> can be used in place of <<dotted>>
% %<<\draw (a,b) \polygon{c}{d}>> can be used in place of <<\draw[black,thick] (a,b) circle (d)>>


How do I control the size of dots or dashes on the first circle (make them larger or thicker maybe?) and how do I also control the distance between the evenly spaced dots, that is, how dots are spaced around the circle, without manually placing nodes or arcs of a definite size in a circle formation? How do I do this in a way that also works for

Also, for future reference, how to I replicate this in pstricks, not just tikz?

[P.S.:– I hope the question is not a duplicate but I have not been able to find an identical question.]

Best Answer

With pstricks you can do this

\pscircle[linecolor=blue,linestyle=dashed,dash=2pt 6pt,linewidth=0.5pt](0,0){2}
\pscircle[linecolor=blue,linestyle=dashed,dash=2pt 5pt 4pt 5pt,linewidth=3pt](5,0){2}

enter image description here

enter image description here