[Tex/LaTex] Choosing color mix for lines in pgfplots


I'm somewhat baffled by my apparent inability to choose a mix of colors in pgfplots. Here's a MWE:


  \addplot[color=red!0.4!black,domain=-pi:pi] {sin(deg(x))};


I would have expected a color in between red and black, but I get just black. If I choose the color as color=black!0.4!red it turns out to be red. What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

You need to use percentages rather than fractions. red!40!black works.

I had to remove the \pgfplotsset{compat=1.4} line from your source code because it prevented compilation. Nevertheless, the following code produces a mixture of black and red. Apparently red!0.4!black gives you 0.4% red and 99.6% black (assuming decimal inputs are accepted). Otherwise, it would round to 0% and 100%.

enter image description here


  \addplot[color=red!40!black,domain=-pi:pi] {sin(deg(x))};
