[Tex/LaTex] Chemical equation in LaTeX


I am trying to create an equation in LaTeX using the following code.

\delta{$^{66}$}Zn = \Bigg[ \frac{{($^{66}$Zn/ $^{64}$Zn)$_{sample}$}}{{( $^{66}$Zn/ $^{64}$Zn)$_{standard}$}} - 1 \Bigg] \times $1000\textperthousand$

When I run TeXWorks, I end up with a bunch of errors. The errors look like

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.11 \delta
           {$^{66}$}Zn = \Bigg[ \frac{{($^{66}$Zn/ $^{64}$Zn)$_{sample}$}}{{...

I am trying to reproduced the following figure with the permille symbol at the end of the equation. The \frac command does not seem to split the numerator and the denominator as shown in the figure.

enter image description here

Any help will be truly appreciated. Thanks.

Here is a MWE


\delta{$^{66}$}Zn = \Bigg[ \frac{{($^{66}$Zn/ $^{64}$Zn)$_{sample}$}}{{( $^{66}$Zn/ $^{64}$Zn)$_{standard}$}} - 1 \Bigg] \times $1000\textperthousand$


Best Answer

You should use the mhchem package, which eases typesetting chemical reactions/compounds. If the chemgreek package is installed, mhchem will load it so as to have upright greek letters:

\usepackage{mhchem, textcomp}


\[ \ce{\delta^{66} Zn} = \left[ \frac{\bigl(\ce{^{66}Zn}/\ce{^{64}Zn}\bigr)_\text{sample}}{\bigl(\ce{^{66}Zn}/ \ce{^{64}Zn}\bigr)_\text{standard}} - 1 \right] \times 1000\,\text{\textperthousand} \]


enter image description here

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