[Tex/LaTex] How to include a chemical reaction in the equation numbering


I would like to have my chemical reaction as equation number 0.1 and the equation (K_D) as an equation with the second number 0.2.



\ch{S + E <>[ $k_{\mathrm{SI}}$ ][ $k_{\mathrm{IS}}$ ] E.I <>[ $k_{\mathrm{PI}}$ ][ $k_{\mathrm{IP}}$ ] P + E}

\begin{equation} \label{}
 K_{D} = \frac{[A][B]^{N_{max}}}{[AB_{N_{max}]}} = \frac{k_{off}}{k_{on}}.


With Alex's suggestion I got this: enter image description here

This is the SOLUTION:

  \ch{ A + B -> C + D }

Best Answer

enter image description hereYou can use numberwithin{equation}{section}:


        \ch{S + E <>[ $k_{\mathrm{SI}}$ ][ $k_{\mathrm{IS}}$ ] E.I <>[                 $k_{\mathrm{PI}}$ ][ $k_{\mathrm{IP}}$ ] P + E}

    \begin{equation} \label{}
         K_{D} = \frac{[A][B]^{N_{max}}}{[AB_{N_{max}]}} = \frac{k_{off}}        {k_{on}}.
