[Tex/LaTex] Changing the text color for a cell does change alignment


If i color the text of a table cell, the text gets aligned wrong.

Without color:

enter image description here

With color:

Cell text colored


\documentclass[10pt, handout]{beamer}


            test & test & test & test \\
            test & \color{red}test & test & test \\

I want to use it in a way like this:


    test & test & test & test \\
    test & \highlight test & test & test \\

Best Answer

Either use \leavevmode or \textcolor

\documentclass[10pt, handout]{beamer}


            test & test & test & test \\
            test & \leavevmode\color{red}test & \textcolor{red}{test} & test \\

enter image description here